Monday, May 4, 2009

Inspiration for dinner tonight

Though I am not grinding my own meat. Z and I are taking the lazy way out, and I think I can convince him to cook.

My instructions to Z, in case you're curious on how I'm trying to make it easy, and therefore convince him to cook:

1. Put 2 big pots of water on to boil. Add salt to one for corn. Add salt to the other for Salt Potatoes. The salt for those is in the cabinet with the potatoes, to the lower right of the stove.
2. Slice an onion.
3. shuck the corn. - save the husks in a paper bag so I can start composting.
4. Once the water has boiled, put the potatoes in one pot, the corn in the other.

If you want to get really into it...

- take some hamburger outta the fridge
- put it in a bowl, break it into little chunks. DO NOT handle the meat too much or it will end up tough!
- add salt, pepper, and other spices! Cayenne pepper is good, paprika is good, cumin is good, curry powder if you are adventurous.
- Mix the burger meat lightly.
- form into patties.

let the meat rest until I come home :-) then we grill and nom!

I've got some Strongbow Cider and Smuttynose Hanami Ale (, which is rather tart, like real cherries. If you don't have smuttynose or strongbow anywhere near you, sad sad sad. You could substitute a Blue Moon I suppose. Not the same, but tasty in its own way.

I'll let you know how it pans out.

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